There are no tax advantages or disadvantages to barter. Barter income is the same as cash income for tax purposes.

There is a 7.5% transaction fee on sales and purchases. The average business member will net approximately $20 of profit for every $1 of profit the Global Xchange earns during the life of our partnership.

Don’t limit yourself to 1 or 2 large purchases. Look at your business expense reports for the last 12 months as a memory aid. Think of your personal needs too. If you regularly take cash out of your company for living expenses like travel, home improvements, etc., why not take it out of barter income instead and save your cash for products and services that Global Xchange may not be able to supply, or to maintain your cash reserves to protect in the event of an emergency.
There is a one-time membership investment which is 100% refundable should we not bring you $1,000 in new business in the first year. There is ZERO risk for you to join.

The price the seller would charge for the product or service in cash is
the price the seller would charge in barter. One Global Xchange dollar equals one US dollar. Global X strictly prohibits upcharging of any kind.

First, there are thousands of items on our platform that you cannot trade for one-to-one. Business owners that are out of your local area may not desire your service simply based on your geography. Other more complicated trades may need to involve multiple business owners.

The average business owner has neither the time nor contacts to make difficult multi-point trades worth it. Second, tracking trading activity can be time consuming and difficult. Global X makes it effortless. Third, and most importantly, trading one-to-one can be very RISKY. If you provide your services first, and the other business goes under, you are in trouble.

In order for a one-to-one relationship to go well, long term, the parties must: 1) Find or know each other 2) Have a products and services each of the other party needs 3) Have the other needs in the largely the same amount or be forced to add cash to supplement the difference and 4) Have the need near the same time. That’s a tall order and nearly impossible for anything other than saving on a few small transactions.

No binding contract or term is required, although an agreement that outlines our compensation arrangement must be agreed upon before trading may begin.
One of the greatest things that separates us from our competitors is the level of emphasis we place on new member acquisition, especially in the sectors our members are specifically requesting.

“Experts estimate that millions of companies, especially young ones, employ barter as a regular or occasional business tool. Barter provides one important benefit: helping companies dispose of excess inventory by trading it for valuable goods or services. That can be especially useful for startups whose markets aren’t developed enough to consume all their capacity.”