How can Global X help me?

Global X brings you new business.

Global Xchange brings you business over and above your existing cash customers when YOU want it, without you having to further invest in expensive marketing or outside sales teams. Our customers will drive past your competitors just because you are a part of the Global X Community.

Global X raises your business exposure.

Our sales representatives are in businesses and are talking to business decision-makers EVERY day. Global X allows you to expand your sales force without incurring any additional overhead. If we don’t deliver business to you, you don’t pay….guaranteed.

Global X cuts your cash expenses.

Global Xchange cuts your expenses by allowing you to acquire goods and services of respected companies without having to spend your valuable cash. Many businesses can cut their expenses by as much as 30% annually with all of that profit dropping immediately to the bottom line. If you have a profit margin of 10%, and Global Xchange saves you $5000, that has the same profit impact of you acquiring an additional $50,000 in new business!

Global X helps you move excess inventory or capacity

What good is a product or service opportunity that you can’t sell? The answer is ZERO. In fact, if it is taking up useable space, it can actually become a LIABILITY. Global X specializes in helping companies and individuals move products and services they are having difficulty selling for cash, without having to severely discount their value.

Global X helps you reduce bad debt and improves collections.

Do you have past clients that still owe you money? Let Global X work with your customer to acquire an idle asset they have, but no longer need or want. We can then translate that item into useable Global Xchange Dollars of equal value to you. Problem solved.

“If you’re low on cash and up for new business, bartering for goods and services can be a shrewd business move.”